NISPAcee Projects
Project: Capacity Building of Caucasus Academic PA Programmes on the basis of EU Administrative Principles

Supported by: International Visegrad Fund,
Project period: April 2014 - June 2015
Project description:  To share knowledge and experience of V4 and Caucasus in PA teaching, training and research for institutional and administrative capacity building based on EU administrative principles, which include the rule of law, efficiency, effectiveness, openness, transparency, integrity and citizens’ participation. The project outcomes will facilitate reform processes, preparation for EU integration and regional cooperation and awareness of importance of PA performance (criteria for EU integration).
Project activities:

1. Development of guidelines for monitoring & analysis of existing PA programmes in CA – focusing on curricula & capacities

2. Monitoring the PA programmes in CA following the guidelines

3. Workshop on Curricula Building of PA programmes, Hungary (organised during the 22nd NISPAcee Annual conference).

Project team members can also participate in the meetings of the Working Group on PA Education & consult on the issue of capacity building of PA Programmes in CA with main European actors & experts from EAPAA - European Association for Public Administration Accreditation.

4. Analysis of collected data with an aim to identify the need for quality improvements of CA MA degree programmes & possible joint activities

5. Building of library resources of CA partners 

6. Recommendations for improvements 

7. Proposal of Memorandum of Understanding focused on PA (under general MoU already signed by CA partners), which could lead to joint regional programme in governance & PA

8. Workshop to discuss & finalise all documents, Georgia

9. Final conference "Building Democratic Governance on the basis of EU Administrative Principles in the Caucasus Region", Georgia

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